Direct marketing is a very a powerful tool for websites that have a solid customer base to market to on a regular basis. For new websites this can also help drive traffic to the website if you can find your target market. That is where the SEO Marketing Experts come in. We can help you identify your online target market and obtain valid names, address and phone numbers so you can market to these customer directly via direct mail or phone calls.
Currently the SEO Marketing Experts have lists for Personal Trainers, Doctors and Pharmacist. These lists have proven to be very valuable to our clients who have targeted these markets to introduce their products or services.
One of the key factors in Direct marketing the “call to action”, this normally is a free offer or another incentive for the person to call or visit your website sooner rather than later. The SEO Marketing Experts can help you find effective promotions that will convert the prospects in to customers.
As with any marketing campaign a company needs to be able to track the success of the direct mailing. The SEO Marketing Experts use several methods to track the incoming calls or visits to a website either by setting up special phone numbers only or web pages that are only used for a specific promotion.
To get started with a direct mail campaign today just call use at 201-844-8778.